PariDienst GmbH


Team of the Rhine Erft Counselling Centre


Our counsellors offer you hands-on support and assistance. Together with you, they will look for a good solution for your needs. They will not influence you and will respect your decision.


Katja Trieb
Leitung der Beratungsstelle, Systemische Familientherapeutin (DGSF)
Christina Henninger
Beraterin, Systemische Beraterin
Meike Lenz
Beraterin, Systemische Beraterin (DGSF)
Sandra Rogoisch
Beratungsstellen Assistentin

Personal and competent


All counselling professionals are highly qualified and experienced. They work according to professional quality standards and know the local support offerings. Counselling is always personal - be it face to face, by video or by telephone.


Confidential and secure


All counsellors are bound by a statutory confidentiality obligation. Hence, anything you entrust to them is specially protected. No one will know about your conversation.


Right to assistance


It is your right to seek help and advice with any questions you may have about pregnancy and childbirth. You have a legal right to comprehensive counselling at a recognised pregnancy counselling centre. If you want, it can be anonymous.




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