Counselling & support during and after pregnancy
You are pregnant or have just had a baby. You can contact us with any questions or concerns. We are happy to advise you on personal, financial, social and legal matters.
Häufige Fragen sind:
- What financial assistance am I entitled to during pregnancy and after childbirth?
- How can I find a midwife?
- How can I manage my life with a child?
- What does a child mean for my partnership / relationship?
- How will it change my life?
- How do I prepare for childbirth?
- Do I have what it takes to be a mother or parent?
- What additional support services are available?
- How can I reconcile family life with a career?
During the sessions with our counsellors, you will be able to talk about all the questions and issues that are on your mind.
We have an open ear for your thoughts and emotions during this special time.
We will still be there for you after the birth and will be happy to advise you until your child is three years old.
Our services at a glance:
- Advice on maternity protection
- Parental leave and parental allowance
- Assistance from the Federal Mother and Child Foundation (Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind).
- Other social benefits
- Counselling and support in dealing with authorities
- Acknowledgement of paternity
- Right of custody and access
- Guardianship and maintenance issues
- Crisis support
Counselling before, during and after prenatal diagnostics
Are you expecting and wondering whether your child will be healthy and what examinations you would like to have done?
We offer you advice and support for all questions and concerns about prenatal diagnostics and a possible disability of your child.
Support after miscarriage and stillbirth
After a miscarriage or stillbirth, many people do not have the chance to talk about what has happened and to share their experiences. In our counselling sessions we offer you assistance in this difficult time, will support you in your grief and help you cope with what has happened.
We have an open ear for all your emotions, thoughts and questions
Confidential birth
You are pregnant and don’t want anybody to know?
Don't keep your fears to yourself - please contact us. At any time and free of charge.
We are here for you and will protect you and your child. Together we will find a good and safe solution.
Our counsellors are bound by a statutory confidentiality obligation. No information will be disclosed without your consent - neither to relatives nor to employers, authorities or health insurers.
You can reach our free help line 24/7 on 0800 40 40 020.
Useful links:
Website of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend). Here you will find all the information you need on family matters, including a parental allowance calculator, information on financial support and forms to download.
Download forms
Parental allowance for children born after 1 September 2021;
Supplementary form for the self-employed:
Supplementary form for single parents:
Information on the application for parental allowance:
Application form for child benefit:
Maternity protection:
Parental leave and parental allowance
Parental allowance calculator
Housing allowance calculator
Child supplement calculator::
We are here for you. Open, competent and personal.
We offer you free, fast and non-denominational counselling on this topic.
Counselling takes place face to face, by video and over the phone. Where required, we can talk to you in English, French and in simple language.
If you wish, we can also offer you anonymous counselling.
Our counsellors are bound by professional secrecy, i.e. all conversations are strictly confidential.